lunes, 14 de octubre de 2013

My town is so small...

My town is so small whenever you meet someone new, you always know a person in common (well, 99% of the time).

My town is so small, when there is a salmonella crisis at a sushi restaurant, everyone know someone who got it....or got it themselves.

Lucky for me I was not one of the unfortunate cases of salmonella. Thank God. Two weeks ago I had rotavirus.

It was quite the horrible week. I won't go into further details but they are nasty, and my body was in a lot of pain, I had a temperature and ot a headache for 7 days straight. I felt really weak. Not cool. Thanks brother! (he's the one that started this family crisis in which, him, my dad and I were affected).

There was a military race yesterday here in Hermosillo and th winners were given medals by the mayor in the inauguration of the baseball games. Baseball is very big here. I thought that was really cool and thought it would be cool to participate next year. Probably won't be among the winners but who knows right?

There is another race in two weeks and my friend (who was in the race) wants us to be in it. I have never done a 5k race before. The only race I have ever been in was back in may. It was a "walking" 2k...or so I thought...that's what it said. :( I believed them. In short, I realized there was only a few of us actually walking. I thought all the people that were running were in the 5k. Joke's on me when I saw I was one of the last people in the race. So I started jogging/running/regretting thinking it would be that easy.

I spent the whole time trying to beat these girls that suddenly passed next to me. Everytime I would hear steps right behind me I would start running again. I beat them. I also passed an old man and his grandson who was like 3 or 4. Damn. I really thought it would be that easy haha fail!

Anyways, I am pretty scared about doing the 5k race. My friend said everyone had finished in less than 50 minutes. If I can't get my time down to 50 mins I will not be racing. I don't want to be the one with the ambulance. :/

Wish me luck!

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